100wc: …I just couldn’t eat something so…

“Her condition is more severe than thought” Zilla sat up suddenly, to find herself in a hospital bed, rigged into heart monitor. A doctor walked in and stopped when he saw her. “Good grief, they were right, your worse than expected!” he muttered to himself. “Um, sorry, what?”  asked. “Typical, typical” the doctor said again. “Zilla, i need to ask you a couple of personal questions about your weight, eating habits etc” “OK…” “How much was your weight, say, six months ago, compared to now?” ” six months ago.” she thought.  “back when it all started” Zilla was training for the world figure skating championships, but in order to do so she went on a strict diet. Very strict. “Uh, it was around 40 kgs” “And what about now?” said the Doctor. “I think its like 29” she said nervously.          “Zilla, i am going to tell you something very important” whispered the Doctor. ” You have Anorexia Nervosa, something that starts out very small, and becomes very big. So big that you cant eat anything.”

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